I’ll be there.

Healthcare for the 99%

Tuesday, Sept 17 @ 5pm: Rally and March to Restore and Expand Vital Public Services for the 99%

Rally at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza in front of the UN (2nd Ave and 47th St, NYC)

March to Bryant Park

As Occupy Wall Street’s 2nd anniversary approaches, austerity politics proceed unfettered in the halls of Congress.

NNU_RobinhoodOn September 17, the UN General Assembly will convene to discuss international anti-poverty and public health goals to be achieved by 2015. Against the backdrop of the UN and the OWS anniversary, labor and community activists will rally to demand an end to austerity and the full funding of human needs – locally and globally.

The Robin Hood Tax could raise billions of dollars every year to help ensure that every American has access to high-quality healthcare. This 1/2 a penny tax on Wall Street trading could fund a universal, Medicare-For-All system without mandates, fines…

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